Posts Tagged 'TriStar'

June 2012 Race Roundup

As usual I am slow to update my blog with race updates, fortunately people’s race times are much faste. the following is some great results for June.

Switzerland 70.3 Parys finished a credible 4th in age and bagging a slot to Vegas 70.3 in the process. Not sure if the credible part was starting the race ill and then declaring the race as some of the darkest moments ever experienced in a race, a lesson learnt is to never race when unwell ever again!

Ironman Regensburg, Richard took on his maiden Ironman and literally hit every target we had set finishing with a sub 11hour (10:54), a superb effort and definite evidence of you reap what you sow (training) on race day. Richard had trained methodically and diligently over the last 8 months for this with a brilliant result

UK 70.3, rated as the toughest 70.3 on the circuit Em and Chris took this race on. Em’s goal was a slot to Vegas 70.3 and having spent a fair amount of time unwell, this was a case of being the first major hit out for the season (definitely not what was planned). Em was absolutely on fire and not only claimed a spot for Vegas 70.3 but took out 2nd place in age too, absolutely ecstatic and can’t wait to see her race with an uninterrupted block of training. Chris’s goal was quality race time in preparation for Ironman UK having only completed the London Marathon some 6 or 7 weeks prior. Chris ran a good steady race as planned and finished 8th in age showing that we are progressing well to Ironman UK

TriStar 111 a last minute race slot saw Stuart head over to France for TriStar 111 Deauville for a spot of race practice, looking at the race and current training decided it was a chance to really nail the run, achieving 14th in age group and one of the faster run splits in the age group.

Awesome training and racing everyone looking forward to the next batch of results

“If you are comfortable with your training regime then you should be concerned. You can only make the big gains by being out of your comfort zone.”
- Me

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